Highlights of the products under our stable



Ad Tracking

Get your full ad flighting facts with Adwatch brand reports that give you broadcast proof of all your booked Ad content and validate your Ad expenditure.



Ad Expenditure

Keep abreast of all industry and competitor advertising spend with our Share of Voice and Competitor Review reports and get insights into media strategies.



Editorial Monitoring

Your PR Partner: Monitor own, industry and regulatory PR coverage across all media daily. You will get summarised daily alerts with links and have access to an online database of the same.


Media Content Analysis

Content Analysis

PR Content Analysis is our powerful public relations research and strategic analysis PR tool. In a nutshell, we use media coverage to analyse any number of facets you want to measure. The periodical analysis helps you assess the media’s portrayal of your organisation.


Audience Measurement

KARF, Media Fit, BVC and LSM

We measure media consumption behaviour, providing detailed media profiles target audience preferences to inform media buying strategies and evaluate media plans to maximise impact and improve media buying efficiency.


Social Listening

What’s that buzzing?

Tracks online conversations, reviews positive/negative sentiment and context for brand, competitors and partners across the entire worldwide web including blogs, micro-blogs, social networks, video/photo sharing sites and real-time alerts.

Ipsos online advertising and PR reporting system

Your message is getting out, but how is it getting through?

AdWatch is a comprehensive database application of all Tanzanian broadcast and print advertisements, tracked and categorized for easy filtering since 1990!

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